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December 23, 2024 | 7 Mins Read

My Favorite Moments of 2024

December 23, 2024 | 7 Mins Read

My Favorite Moments of 2024


As 2024 comes to a close, I (like many) want to take a moment to reflect back on a year full of ups and downs, ebbs and flows, laughs and tears, and so much more. I’ve shared before that I am working on my ability to slow down and reflect – I am one to move quickly, propelling myself on to the next thing, next year without reaping the benefit that comes from this practice of reflection. As a work in progress, this exercise in and of itself is a bit of self-prescribed homework and I appreciate you coming along for the ride.

As I share below my five favorite professional moments and my five favorite personal moments, it’s impossible not to acknowledge how interconnected the two lists are. This is because, for me, I have found that the idea of work/life balance is very hard to achieve – creating a flexible work/life blend is more realistic. Here’s a couple examples to help you visualize what I mean: On my anniversary trip to Iceland, I was working hard on and off on the upcoming Stand Out 50 announcement. While at IFS Unleashed, I was up extra late putting the finishing touches on plans for my son’s 8th birthday the following week.

This blend is also reflected in the wonderful friendships developed with people I’ve met in my professional life – the moments shared with those individuals are most definitely a highlight of the year and the reason I gladly pour so much of myself into my work. So, here goes – my favorite moments of 2024!

5 Professional Highlights

  1. Connecting with the Future of Field Service community IRL. There’s something special about the community that’s been created with Future of Field Service, and one of my very favorite things is spending time with that community in person. This year that happened at our Stockholm and Cologne events, at IFS Unleashed, and at a variety of other industry events. At an event this fall, someone who had attended one of our Paris events last year said, “I’m not sure you remember me…” Of course I do! The individuals who engage with Future of Field Service are who make it what it is – and I’m so thankful for each of you. The moments of human connection, the thoughtful dialogue, the knowledge sharing that pushes us as individuals but also our

respective industries forward – it’s the best part of what I do.

Spending time with Joern Lindstaedt, SVP Global Customer Service at Rolls-Royce Power Systems, who spoke at our Future of Field Service Live event in Cologne in June.

  • Speaking at/engaging in industry events. Beyond our own community, I appreciate all that comes from taking part in other industry events. This year that included giving keynote presentations at Lely’s annual leadership conference, Field Service Palm Springs, and Field Service East, speaking to a class at The American University in Cairo about service transformation and innovation, being a guest on Aquant’s podcast, taking part in the Advanced Service Group’s Service Innovation workshop at Tetra Pak, presenting alongside IFS customer Alfa Laval at Field Service Europe, and taking part in the Service Council’s Sustainability Service Journey Day at Tetra Pak. Phew!

Rehearsal for my keynote presentation at Lely’s Care Conference in Texas in February.

  • The first-ever Future of Field Service Stand Out 50 Leadership awards. I spoke at length about why we decided to create the Stand Out 50 and why it was such an important initiative – not only to recognize 50 leaders creating significant impact, but to continue to emphasize the value these leaders – and the service function itself – bring to their respective businesses. What will stand out in my mind (no pun intended ?) from launching the awards this year is the heartfelt thank you’s I’ve received from the recipients. To see their organizations acknowledge the award with press releases and their own social campaigns, and then to hear from many of them 1-1 what that meant to them and their teams made the hard work of bringing this to life more than worth it.

Promotion of the Stand Out 50 in Times Square, NYC.

  • IFS Unleashed. Not only did the official Stand Out 50 announcement take place at IFS Unleashed in October, but so did much more! From witnessing sessions from the likes of Usain Bolt and Gary Player that quite literally brought me to tears, to all the energy created as IFS shared its vision for the future, it was a week for the books. More than anything else, though, what meant the most to me was the ability to spend time in person with our amazing customers. I shared on LinkedIn after, “For me, it's never first about the business or the deals or the next big thing; it's always first about the people, the relationships, the community (and I do genuinely believe that's what drives the best outcomes). There's simply no substitute for having the opportunity to see customers in person and give them a hug, or ride a crazy rollercoaster, or sit and talk about what this journey all means. Those face-to-face moments - that human connection - is what makes all the innovation happen, and it's also what makes this work matter.”

The incredible Usain Bolt at IFS Unleashed in Orlando in October.

  • The UNSCRIPTED podcast. This year we changed the name of the Future of Field Service podcast to UNSCRIPTED, to ensure it’s clear we are talking about more than just “field service.” We’re at 296 episodes to end the year and it remains one of my favorite aspects of my work – the conversations are a great way to share among service leaders what’s top of mind, to feature voices championing important issues beyond service, and to have discussions that not only inform but inspire. You can find the first half of the Top 10 Podcasts of 2024 here and stay tuned for Part Two on January 1st.

Recording a live podcast with Steven Van Eyck, Center for Excellence Lead, Field Service at Proximus.

5 Personal Highlights

  1. My sons’ first trip out of the country. I didn’t step foot on an airplane until I was a junior in college and, coincidentally, my first destination flying was also my sons’ first destination out of the country: Cancun, Mexico. It may not be the most adventurous, and spending five days at an all-inclusive resort most certainly isn’t the best way to immerse them in culture, but it’s still a highlight. It was exciting to get their passports, this first adventure needed to be one I could handle solo as my husband had to stay home to work, and the experiment went swimmingly which means further adventures await.

Ellis, 7 and Evan, 8 making good use of their brand-new passports in April in Cancun.

  • Celebrating our 11th anniversary in Iceland. My husband supports all my work travels from home base in Erie, PA, and while we do try to take one trip together a year, it’s usually nothing too far since we have a son with significant medical needs. But this September, we visited Iceland for the first time and had a wonderful time exploring the beautiful country, remembering what it’s like to be “just us,” and laughing until our bellies hurt on more than one occasion.

My husband and I at the Jokulsarlon lagoon in Vatnajokull National Park in Iceland in September.

  • My first-ever personal retreat. Taking the time and spending the money to attend a retreat by myself in Italy in August was a huge decision and a major indulgence and privilege. It was also a life-changing experience for me that I am so incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to take. I didn’t realize just how close to burnout I had become and how much I needed to slow down, and I learned so much about myself in just four short days. It’s no coincidence that three of my five personal moments involve travel, because it’s very important to me – I feel the way you learn about the world, about people, and about yourself while traveling is so special.

Beautiful Lago di Orta in northern Italy in August.

  • Reading 25+ books. When I was young, I loved reading – I kept a light and a book under my mattress and would stay up late reading each night (my older son does the same thing and I absolutely love it). Between graduate school and later motherhood, I’d largely fallen out of the habit – I’d read from time to time, but it hasn’t been a daily practice for me in a long time. In 2024, I aimed to change that and as I’m writing this, I believe I’ve finished 27 books. I prefer to read hard copy books (I’ve tried audiobooks but have never been able to get into them) and have made time for reading this year by eliminating TV and really minimizing time on social media.

One of my favorite books I read in 2024.

  • Pushing myself on personal growth. This is a result of a collection of things, including trauma therapy, incorporation of meditation, deciding to give yoga “another” try, prioritizing movement knowing how much it helps my mental health, being very intentional about social media and its influence, being honest with myself about where I need to push outside of my comfort zone, and more. While this is a journey that will be forever ongoing, I’m proud of the work I’ve done in 2024.

The beaches of Lake Erie on Presque Isle in Erie, PA – about 15 minutes from my home and where I like to spend time thinking and relaxing.

I hope you, too, take the time to look back on 2024 and reflect on all that you’ve achieved, what you’ve learned from the moments that have pushed you, and be proud of yourself for what you’ve done and what you’ve weathered. If this list reads like a lot of sunshine and rainbows, I promise you there were also thunderstorms and plenty of snow! But it does us all good to focus on what we have to be grateful for. Wishing you a restful, peaceful end to 2024 and a wonderful 2025 to come.