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November 15, 2023 | 25 Mins Read

Shifting Focus from Customer Service to Customer Success

November 15, 2023 | 25 Mins Read

Shifting Focus from Customer Service to Customer Success


Sarah talks with Mark Hessinger, SVP Global Customer Success at 3D Systems, about what it takes to break down silos within the service lifecycle and truly create a customer-in, customer-centric organization.

Sarah Nicastro: Welcome to the Future of Field Service Podcast. I'm your host, Sarah Nicastro.

Today, we're going to have a conversation about shifting focus from customer service to customer success. I'm excited to have on the podcast today Mark Hessinger, Senior Vice President for Global Customer Success at 3D Systems.

Mark, welcome to the Future of Field Service podcast.

Mark Hessinger: Thank you, Sarah. Thanks for having me.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, thanks for being here. So, before we get into the meat of the conversation, just tell everyone a little bit more about yourself, your background, your role and what the company does.

Mark Hessinger: Okay. So I'm Mark Hessinger. I'm responsible for Global Customer Success at 3D Systems. 3D systems, we make solutions for additive manufacturing. We make printers, the materials, the software, and have services and support, so the whole solution for a customer going into additive and that in the plastic space and the metal space.

I've been with 3D systems almost seven years now. And over my career worked at several different companies and I've had the opportunity to work with customers in many different industries. So, a lot of global experience in working with customers and trying to help companies move forward in taking care of customers.

I enjoy listening to customers, getting feedback and solving messier problems. And then I also like to share what I've learned and know so I'm glad for this opportunity to speak with you today.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, I'm glad to have you. We've run into each other many times on the event circuit. So this has been sort of a long time in the making. And so when we connected to talk about doing a podcast together and we were kind of thinking about, "Okay, what should we discuss," one of the things that came up is you have a fairly recent change in your role from SVP Global Customer Service to SVP Global Customer Success.

And so, what we started chatting about is how that shift in a lot of ways is reflective of your view of service and I think also kind of the way things are evolving and where things are headed overall in a more holistic approach, if you will. But you called this in our conversation the customer in view. So, can you tell us a little bit about what that means to you, why it's important and what you feel that shift from service to success means?

Mark Hessinger: Sure. There's a few things in the way we think about things and where we go after things when we make that shift. And it's changing the way we think about customers and what we're doing.

So in service, you typically think, "I have an issue, I resolve it, I've done my service." But in success, "Okay, so we have an issue, we resolve it, but did we achieve the goal for the customer?" For example, in 3D printing, a technician could say, "I fixed the printer, the printer's working," but is it making the parts properly? Is the software still working? Is the entire solution working for the customer? So thinking that way is a change in how you're approaching the customer.

It also takes you then from a more short-term perspective, "I'm resolving an issue," to a longer term perspective, "I'm helping a customer, can they achieve their goals? Are they going to be productive? Are they going to recommend us? So, I'm not resolving issue, I'm making sure they're hitting their goals."

And then also, as we have more of the functions now in success, we have the hardware team, the software team, materials and consumables, training, everything for the aftermarkets, we still can't resolve everything all the time with our team. So we have to make sure we're thinking more holistically and cross-functional. And the team knows it's their responsibility to make sure the customer is successful. So, they will need to pull in any resource in the company to make sure we achieve that goal.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, that makes sense. And I think it makes me think of a few things. I think that breaking down those functional silos is really, really important to the customer experience and the customer relationship.

A while back, I had Bob Feiner on the podcast from Dell and he talked about ... I loved his analogy like, "Think rings, not trophies." So, we shouldn't have teams that are trying to be the MVP of the service lifecycle. We should be working together to make sure that we're winning those Super Bowl rings or World Series rings on the overall experience.

The other thing that makes me think of though is how it aligns with the shift to delivering outcomes and where that means different things in different industries and people are at different phases in that journey. But the idea that customers today demand more and you're focused on, to your point, whatever that success looks like, it could be uptime and what's tied to that for the customer, it could be something else. But it's this outcome you're driving for them versus just making good on your commitment to come and fix something when it breaks.

Mark Hessinger: Yup. So first, just Bob's comment, "Rings, not trophies," previous company, Gerber Scientific, I moved from the EMEA team to the global team. And I moved to the US, everybody was talking about this one person in service that was winning trophies. He'd go in. He'd fall asleep with the customer. He'd spend all his time. And the team was surprised when I moved him into engineering very quickly and they're like, "Why'd you do that?" I said, "Because everybody becomes dependent watching him win a trophy, they're not working as a team to get the ring."

So, it's part of the team development in making sure you have the right players together to get to that outcome. As to the customers on their outcome, years ago, the conversation was around the service contract and fulfilling a service contract. Today, it's more progressive, advanced customers, it's uptime. They are producing and they don't care what the issue is. They don't care about your response time. They need to be making parts at a certain rate and that is their goal.

So it's aligning the achievements to be able to make sure we're talking the same language with the customer and we're not talking about we'll be there within two hours or whatever. It's you're going to be able to produce parts. And it's also in some of our industries like Formula 1 racing. We know their schedules and when they need to be doing things very aggressively. So we make sure that we have the right resource to support them. And there's other parts of the schedule where they're not as busy and we don't have to be as quick.

So, it's understanding how to manage to help the customer achieve their end outcome.

Sarah Nicastro: Absolutely. And so, we spoke about the fact that one of the foundational elements of being able to do that is getting better at understanding our customers.

Mark Hessinger: Yeah.

Sarah Nicastro: So, where it used to be, "Hey, our offer is we'll sell you this and when it breaks, we'll come and fix it." We're not really living in that world anymore. But to understand how to achieve success in their eyes, you have to know what is important to them. So, how do you do that at 3D Systems?

Mark Hessinger: There's a number of touch-points we have with customers. We try to collect information. The one I like the most but is also the difficult from time is just sitting down and talking with customers. So I do that, but I can't meet all of our customers unfortunately.

So, listening to customers is very important and the listening part is important. I've had some meetings where I take a salesperson with me and the salesperson feels they got to be talking the whole time. I was like, "No, calm down. You can pause and then the customer will just start talking and really explaining." And you're not talking about your products and services, you're talking about their business and what's important to them. That's the conversation you need to have to really understand what you need to do to help them.

We also survey our customers. That gives another data point. And then we will extensively look at our data, how customers are using our systems and products. We take that information. And then, we also add information that we want to capture from different customer sites on field service debriefs there at customer sites and where allowed by the customer. They will give us information if they're using a competitive product or not. And that's where I say we're allowed because they have to make sure the customer's okay with passing that information through.

But it's finding those different touch-points and collecting that data and trying to then assimilate that and find what are the priorities short term and long-term, because we need to take care of some short-term things, but we need to make sure the long-term is aligned to the vision that we're driving and we want to get to.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, okay. So, let's say foundationally, you know you need to do a better job of really understanding the customer's businesses, the customer's objectives, really what they're trying to accomplish.

To your point, you go into those conversations talking about what you can do, you miss the opportunity to learn so much more of what you could do because you're busy talking, right? So, that makes sense. But then I guess the next kind of block in the foundation is becoming easier as an organization to work with, right?

Mark Hessinger: Mm-hmm.

Sarah Nicastro: So, as you understand how they're viewing success better, being open to evolving as a company and restructuring, reorganizing, changing processes, whatever it is to really take the burden on of streamlining some of the complexity that goes into ultimately delivering that success, right?

So, can you talk a little bit about the changes you've had to make there? I know we talked about the negative impact silos can have and I know that's part of the change in your role. But how have you worked to become easier for your customers to do business with?

Mark Hessinger: Yup. So on the silos terms and I don't think there's any company that designs their organizations that were going to create x number of silos. But silos exist just the way companies operate. And they're not intentional but you need to be able to identify them and best ways are from your customers or from your employees.

So, in the early years I was at 3D Systems, I would visit customers and they would say, "I have to talk to someone in your team for hardware service. I talked to someone else about software. I talked to someone else about materials. I talked to someone else about my next printer."

Time and time again, hearing from customers we are difficult to work with. They don't necessarily always say it that way, just, "I'm doing this. I'm doing that." And you can just hear their confusion. And some even say, "I don't even know where to go. What do I do? How do I order materials?" We have broad portfolio of materials and it's difficult when you hear from a customer that they don't even know how to order.

So, it's taking those things back. And then as you said, so then you come back in the company and I think ours is not different than a lot. People just don't say, "Okay, let's just change everything around and make it easier." So you have to present that market, that perspective.

But the change happened for us when we did an organization change. A pretty significant new CEO joined and designed how we're going to do with the business units. And then it was like, "Yeah, we should put together these different functions in the customer success team and call it the customer success team."

So sometimes it will happen slowly and naturally but I think more times, you need something that just spurs you need to change and the company says, "Okay, we're going to try something different."

And if you can point to examples where it's been successful, it helps you also say, "Look, this is something that's been proven and it works," if you have key stakeholders as customers that you can reference and say, "Here's what Sarah told me. She's told me these things." And I think we can address them. It's not just saying, "Sarah told me this," but, "Sarah gave us this input. Here's a potential solution," and reinforcing that.

So eventually, I think you can get to where you need to be. But customers aren't going to wait, right? You have to start making progress. So, whether we are together in one organization or separate, it's still important to communicate to our teams, to listen to the customer.

And I've been in customer meetings where the service manager said, "Oh, I'm not responsible for that." We had a conversation after that meeting, said, "Yes, you are." We kind of course-corrected in the meeting, but that learning experience that, yes, you don't own that particular task, however the company does and if the customer's asking you and you're in front of them, you can say, "I will take that issue and I'll get the right person to talk to you." And those baby steps I think makes it a lot different from the customer perspective.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah. And it's making people feel their purpose in the overall customer experience and mission of the company, right? It's not just about, "Well, that's not my job." Well, it's everyone's job if we're a customer-centric organization, right?

Mark Hessinger: Mm-hmm.

Sarah Nicastro: And I think that's what's interesting about a topic like this is you talk about customer in and you talk about the customer experience. There are things that no one would say don't matter or that they're not thinking about or working on. But the reality is a lot of times if you're really listening and I guess listening to learn versus listening to respond, then what you uncover in a lot of instances is going to require some pretty significant change.

And that's where I think we see this disconnect of, okay, then we'll just focus on getting better at this one thing or this one thing, but we don't really want to become customer-centric because of the work it would take to do that.

So, that's where the conversation gets interesting because I think sometimes depending on the size of the company and the legacy, this, that and the other thing, it can be very cumbersome to say, "Okay, we're going to sort of restructure. We're going to reset. We're going to bring these things together. We're going to break down these silos. We're going to make sure everyone knows that this is everyone's responsibility," and so on and so on. That's a tremendous effort.

So, I'm curious then, as you've done that, what has that change looked like for the frontline workforce? Because we're talking about a more holistic view of what service is, we're talking about usually that then impacts the offering and what that relationship looks like. When we were talking about the customer listening, I was thinking, "Well, boy, that probably has to require quite a bit of upskilling for anyone that's interacting with the customer that has an opportunity to listen."

So, as you've worked through this process of bringing these silos, breaking down these silos and bringing things together under customer success, what has that looked like for the workforce and what challenges has it brought?

Mark Hessinger: So the challenge I think in any of these things is we kind of call change management more of a buzzword, but it is a challenge and it is not easy. So, change management is very important and the communication on why we're doing what we're doing and making people understand how it connects to the vision, where we're going, what change we're going to make, then you do it, then you communicate why you did it and reinforce that.

And if you're in the middle of it, sometimes you feel that, yeah, I know what's going on, everybody else should know what's going on. But the further you get away from where you are, you get out to people in the field, they need that reinforcement and the communication to let them know why we're doing things.

So what changed? For the field, you think on one side not a lot changed, but on the other it's, yes, we're asking them to collect information, we're asking them to look around, we're asking them to make sure if there's any issue and they can't resolve it that it's getting reported back. So, it's reinforcing that they're not just there to solve a specific issue but to make sure the customer is satisfied in its entirety.

For our contract of sales process, we're doing better now aligning the start dates for the hardware and the software contracts so we talk to them together. The materials, some customers do go on contract and we're getting better at aligning them. And the material sales team now just don't go in talking about material sales. They know if the customer's on contract, they offer a better value if you are on contract. So they're bundling and thinking differently which helps both sides. It helps the customer in understanding what they're getting from us and it helps us on managing that whole process.

People talking internally and tech support, tech support is the people are very skilled and trained in a specific technology. But again there, it's just part of the conversation is the simple things. Is there anything else I can help you with today? Sometimes you can't solve that for them, but you can take that and go somewhere else.

And then, I think one of the bigger changes is with the service manager's thought process and mentality going from that I'm just going to get somebody there and fix the problem to understanding we're going to take care of the customer in its entirety. So, there's lots of little pieces.

And then even internally when we were a customer service, there's still departments that would call us field service and we didn't feel good about that because there's a lot more to service than just field service. Now, we're customer success. And actually some of them are caught up and they're calling us customer service now.

It's making sure you're communicating internally so the organization understands what you're doing, especially you need alignment with the sales team, the field sales team because they need to make sure they're communicating back and we're making the touch-points. I've talked to many companies where that is one of the silo examples. I've heard so many service people say it's service and sales separate. And I've heard the same thing from salespeople.

And that's your situation. You need to make those changes to get those teams aligned. We have weekly calls between the sales leaders and the service leaders by region to make sure they're, one, aligned on escalations, two, aligned on what's coming in the pipeline for sales, also what's coming in the pipeline for service renewals so that we're talking one language and understand how we look at the customer.

So, it's a lot of I'd say pieces together that really when you add them all up, it's a big change for each person. There's some level of change that has to happen.

Sarah Nicastro: So I'm curious, Mark, we've talked about the term customer success. And for the customers that you work with on an uptime or outcome basis, I know we also spoke about making sure everyone feels invested in it being their responsibility to make sure the customer is successful and satisfied. But is there someone who ultimately owns that responsibility? And if so, who is that?

Mark Hessinger: That comes back to me and I think it's also a good thing because I can't say, "Oh, I didn't know about that problem. It's their problem," right? And like I said earlier, I may not have all the resources to be able to do everything, but I should be making sure we have all the contacts and the information, understand what we need to do. And then looking on the rest of the organization, how do we get the support?

But definitely, that's why we put together the customer success organization to treat customers that way and to have a point of responsibility.

Sarah Nicastro: But you don't have customer success managers.

Mark Hessinger: We have customer success in people's titles, but I don't have an extra function as a customer success manager. It's taking the ... Very similar to the organizations as they were before, but integrating the hardware, the software and the materials, pieces, but not putting another layer of customer success on top of that because my personal feeling is that then deflects, "It's not my problem. They have to take care of it. I take care of my issue, but they take care of the bigger issue."

And I think adding that layer and those extra functions would for me not drive the right overall behavior I'm looking to drive.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, no, that makes sense. It's a topic that's come up from time to time when we talk about outcomes. And also when we talk about ... And again, this is industry and company differences, but a lot of people talk about how the role of the field technician over time is becoming less technical and a lot more relationship-focused.

And so, we've had some conversations about not will they become customer success managers over time necessarily the way that we would define that word today, but what will that role look like and how does it fit in the future in this type of context, if that makes sense. So that's why I was kind of asking.

Mark Hessinger: Yeah. And I think part of that conversation and I've been parts of those conversations at different conferences and stuff and it's like a vision, people in front of the customer should be taking care of the customer. But as long as we continue to have electromechanical hardware systems, which hydraulics, whatever, they have to be technically skilled and be able to resolve the technical issues.

If the customer has confidence that that person can solve that, then the customer is also open. It becomes a trusted partner and then open to share additional information.

So when hiring, I think it's important to identify some soft skills as far as communication and how you feel about working with customers. And as long as they have the technical background, we can then teach the technical skills. I think some of those soft skills are important in the hiring process to bring in.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, that makes sense. So, you've been doing a lot of hard work to align yourselves to customer needs to be easier to do business with. But I'm sure it hasn't always been smooth sailing, I would imagine. What has that looked like from the customer perspective? How have you worked through some of the changes as they are visible to the customer?

Mark Hessinger: So, customer gets a survey, a transactional NPS survey after a support case is closed. And we put a process in place that if it's a detractor, so zero to six, it reopens the case, it goes to the manager of the case owner and they need to call the customer to explain what we've done, what we're doing, get additional feedback.

That extra step in the process of reaching back out to the customer to let them know we're listening. "We're sorry for that experience," right? "We're going to look to improve that going forward." One sends a big message to the customers that they know that, okay, they've taken the time to fill in a few questions we've asked and we're actually reading it and we're doing something with it. And that has driven a lot of additional engagement from customers as far as giving us feedback because they know we're going to do something with it.

So from a customer perspective, that's very important. And then when I meet customers, I ask them, "Have we made progress in the last year," or, "Have you seen a change?" And usually, I get a yes and they'll give me examples. If I don't get it, then I will kind of probe and say, "Well, how's this experience? Has this always been the same?" And sometimes it sparks their memory and they say, "Oh, yeah, you were really bad at that. Now it's pretty good."

And then, there will be cases where you go and they'll say, "No, we're not happy and we don't like this service engineer because of this." Now, when I get that feedback, we can give that to the manager and the service engineer. And usually those things are correctable. It's usually communication or behavior or something that we can change and improve.

And while I find some managers struggle initially to give that feedback to the employee, employees actually appreciate it because they want to grow, they want to learn, they want to do better. And there's nobody that goes out there with intention to do a bad job. So, it's part of our job to coach them and move them forward.

And we had a recent case, customer gave us that feedback. We went through that cycle, coached the employee, and the customer proactively reached out two weeks later and said, "Hey, this is great change. We saw a progress and we're really happy with the way that experience went." That was not on a survey, that was just a proactive call. So, it's rewarding when you're getting that type of reaction and feedback.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, absolutely. And being able to then share that with the teams and have them feel that same sense of accomplishment. So, another layer of complexity in this journey is that 3D Systems is highly acquisitive. So you're very often bringing in new businesses with their own systems, their own processes, their own employees. So, how do you navigate that and do your best to have that not disrupt this sort of customer centricity that you're working toward?

Mark Hessinger: The most recent acquisitions, majority of them have been startups. So, on those from the customer success service perspective, they really didn't have an infrastructure there. So, we're adding that and their potential customers often would say, "Well, we don't know if you're going to be in business. We don't know how you're going to support us." So that helps a lot there.

I think the bigger challenge that we go through is that we've been around the longest in the industry. When we acquire a certain technology, our engineering team or we could have done that and, yes, we could have but these are make or buy decisions. And the way some of these startups have solved the problem is unique and we probably wouldn't have solved it that way. We probably would've been more complicated, more expensive. And so that's the additional value we're gaining from the acquisition.

So, for us internally, it's making sure we understand we're not just adding a product line or technology, we're adding a different way of looking at things, a different culture. And that's the bigger challenge on the acquisitions is the getting our employees at 3D Systems and the employees from the acquired company to really mesh well. And it's good to remind people why we're doing things, point out the positives and make sure both sides learn how we can get better.

Sarah Nicastro: That's a good point. It's maybe less logistical complexity and more eliminating potential friction. And yeah, that's a really good point.

Mark Hessinger: Yeah. If we were going to do a big acquisition of a similar size company, that gets much more complicated on the whole change management merging to service organizations. The hidden positive of a startup is they don't really have a success and services arm they can lean on. So they're very happy that we can bring that to them.

Sarah Nicastro: Right, yeah. And their customers usually are too. Yeah, that makes sense. All right, so as a leader, what has changed most for you as you've gone on this evolution of looking through the lens of executing service or a transaction to ensuring success or delivering that outcome?

Mark Hessinger: Well, I feel that I can really take ownership of the customer as needed. I don't have to rely on others. I don't have to say, "Should we do this?" I appreciate that, that I can say I'm responsible for taking care of that customer, making sure we resolve issues, making sure we're improving the way we work and moving forward.

So, it's making sure that the team is executing that. But I think just not have to worry about should I do that or should I not do that? If it's right for the customer and the company, it's the thing we should be doing and I appreciate that I can make those decisions.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah. You have a very consistent lens that you can look at, at everything through that helps guide you. And to your point with the new CEO and that restructuring, for that to be possible, everyone has to want to look through that lens. And so, it's good that you're in a place where that can happen.

What do you see as what comes next on the journey? I know you've already accomplished an incredible amount, but I also know everyone's in a-

Mark Hessinger: We're not done.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, it's a cycle of continuous improvement. So, what's sort of the next phase?

Mark Hessinger: It's continuing going forward to ... I think it's time to probably refresh the vision where we're going. I created one when I started when we were services and it helped align the organization and get people to understand where we're going. And I think that needs to be refreshed.

I talk to my team and they kind of look at me funny when I say, "I'd like to make an organization that doesn't need managers." So I'm talking to managers and I'm saying, "I really don't think I need you." That's what they're hearing. But what I'm saying is the organization I want to keep evolving so that the different parts just work together seamlessly and then things flow.

Managers should be there to support their organization, make sure things are working, make sure we're training people and managing escalations. But the day-to-day transactional, there's a lot of stuff that goes on already without management intervention. I just like to get managers even further away from the day-to-day, but that takes creating the whole culture, the processes that the people understanding how do they work together.

You don't have to go up through an organization and back down the other side to talk to someone. You just know who the right person is and you get things done. So, it's building a culture where we can get more towards that direction. I think that again helps us become more efficient on taking care of our customers, makes it easier to work with us, we'll improve customer's uptime even further and their ROIs. So, it all connects together in the end.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah. I just thought of another question, Mark, and I know I'm going off script so it's okay if you don't want to answer this one. But to that point, when we're talking about getting everyone aligned, has part of this journey or would part of this journey in the future be ... Is there any element of how people are measured that has changed to help that alignment?

Mark Hessinger: Nothing major has been done as far as how people are measured. There's either you're in a sales role and you get commissions. Now, there's some of those where we're connecting what they're commissioned on. Or you're in a non-sales role and your objectives ... The important part on people's objectives is making sure they connect to the vision and the company goals.

But I'd say we haven't done a lot specific, there's no goal, "Make sure you make three proactive calls in a week." I think-

Sarah Nicastro: Or there isn't an element of their performance that's measured off of NPS.

Mark Hessinger: Oh, that we do. Yes. So NPS and that's a good point you made because NPS, while we do a transactional-

Sarah Nicastro: It is imperfect. So I'm not saying that that's the only measure that could be relevant but it's obviously a common one.

Mark Hessinger: It's a tool we use. We use transactional and relationship. And on the transactional, it's more towards that event. And people are like, "Well, it's not just me." Well, we know it's not just you, but you are the primary in this experience. And managers will show the ranking from top to bottom of NPS scores. And it does help motivate some people that nobody wants to be on the bottom of that list.

But it's also important to communicate to people that there's a point. If all the scores are good, being on the bottom of a good list is not a bad thing. So, you want to have a cluster of performance in the high bracket. But yes, they definitely do see customer responses to what they're doing.

Also on other metrics like meantime to complete first-time fix, those are all ... You don't want to be on the leaderboard on certain metrics. If you don't share it, it doesn't help. So people didn't want to share the NPS by person originally because it is a broader team, but it did drive the right behavior as far as, "Hey, now I need your help also to resolve this," instead of just, "I'll work on it until I can figure it out," which probably takes a lot longer than if I just asked someone for help.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, no, that makes sense. I was reflecting on that being a part of this conversation that I missed when I was putting this together because again, it goes back to the trophies versus rings conversation, right? If there aren't things that are tied to the overall objective that people are looking at, then they're just going to stay focused on their piece. So, that makes sense.

This has been great, Mark. I really appreciate you joining and chatting with me. Is there any I guess final thoughts that you have before we close out?

Mark Hessinger: Final thoughts, I think it's important as you're managing teams to have diverse teams. You don't get into group think. Because my team, a lot of them respect what I think but I don't like it when I hear, "What does Mark want?" It should be, "What does a customer want? What does the company want?"

So, you need people in the team that are going to challenge and work together. The collective knowledge I always say in the room is much greater than the individual pieces. So, make sure the team is diverse, collaborative, working together and continue to evolve. And these things are a lot of fun. They're very rewarding for the people involved and I really appreciate the opportunity to share that with you.

Sarah Nicastro: Yeah, I appreciate you coming and sharing. I mean, it's clear that you're very passionate about what you do which I love. I really enjoy talking to people I'm the same way. And so, I like that. And there's a lot of really good points here about, like I said earlier, taking something that everyone knows is important and a lot of people are doing to a degree, but really thinking about the extent to which you can evolve or change the organization to be that customer in mentality that you are leading.

So, thank you for that. I appreciate it. And hopefully, we'll get to do it again in the future.

Mark Hessinger: Okay, thank you.

Sarah Nicastro: Yes. You can find more by visiting us at While you're there, be sure to subscribe to the Future of Field Service Insiders so that you get the latest content delivered to your inbox every other week.

The Future of Field Service Podcast is published in partnership with IFS. You can learn more at As always, thank you for listening.